Västra Hamnens skola


  • Number of staff: 55
  • Number of pupils: 498
  • Age-range of pupils: 10-16 years old.
  • Special education groups: two classes with newly arrived immigrants .
  • The pedagogical vision, goals of commintment: joy and eager to learn, evidencebased school development and effective learning and teaching
  • Experience from international collaboration: visit from a group of teacher students from hong kong in collaboration with Lunds university,
  • Catchment area: most of the students lives in the schools vicinity, approximately 10% of our students live outside the schools vicinity



12.30 Welcome to our school by 5 of our students

12.30-12.45 Introduction by vice principal Julija Radeson Lindeberg

12.50-13.35 classroom visits

8c show work in math through kunskapsmatrisen and classroom, Jon Lidén

5d show work in reading and writing trough blogging and classroom, Åsa Rosén Blomkvist

Newly arrived group show work through Kahoot and classroom, Christina Skagerborg

After school/4c show work through Livets lotteri and classroom, Sofie Carlsson and Beatrice Järnsveden

13.40-14.00 wrapup with our schoolpaper students and fika.