- Number of staff: 115
- Number of pupils: 720
- Age-range of pupils: 6-16 years old.
- Special education groups: one class with newly arrived immigrants and 7 classes for children with special needs whereof one for pupils with autism.
- The pedagogical vision, goals of commintment: increase pupils´ results in Swedish and Maths, deepen the understanding of language development through pedagogical discussions and collaboration, increase the rate of attendance among pupils
- Experience from international collaboration: Besides DSoE some of our teachers have been involved in E-twinning projects. We are also apart of a mobility project where teachers and school leaders do job shadowing in other EU-countries.
- Catchment area: Videdal is in the outskirt of the city. We are a multicultural school.
10.00-10.15 Introduction
- by principal Annelie Van Lunteren
10.15-11.30 Classroomsvisits
- 4A uses Concept Cartoons in math and science subjects. Eva Karlsson
- QR-code and 3D printers in arts and craft. Håkan Börjesson
- Learning to read with 2A. Anne-Charlott Pereira Bastos
- Programming and NAO-robots with 5C. Magnus Grankvist
12.30-12.45 Introduction
- by principal Annelie Van Lunteren
12.45-14.00 Classroomsvisits
- ICT in music classes and the use of G-suite for formative assessment. Johanna Antonsson Hannes Wall
- StopMotion in special needs class Wictoria Kontopoulos Andersson
- Widet Online, online resorce for increased comprehension by combining symbols and text. Caroline Jönsson
- Learning to read with 3A. Camilla Troberg
- Programming and NAO-robots with 5C. Magnus Grankvist
12.30-12.45 Introduction
- by principal Annelie Van Lunteren
12.45-14.00 Classroomsvisits
- 4A uses Concept Cartoons in math and science subjects. Eva Karlsson
- QR-code and 3D printers in arts and craft. Håkan Börjesson
- ICT in music classes and the use of G-suite for formative assessment. Johanna Antonsson Hannes Wall
- Widet Online, online resorce for increased comprehension by combining symbols and text. Caroline Jönsson